+39 0461 695067 / +39 346 7523216
Wine cellar opening hours: Mon-Fri 9am-12pm and 2pm-6pm or Saturday 9am-4pm upon prior notice / For visits and tastings see here: Visit


Welcome to our winemaking paradise
We are a small niche winery, a family of passionate winemakers operating in a chosen territory. Here, heroic viticulture is more than a practice: it is a tradition we proudly embrace. We cultivate our small patches of land in Cembra Valley with dedication and respect, to offer you unique and authentic wines.
Why are we different?
We work in rugged alpine areas, difficult to manage, on steep terrain and terraced vineyards. We produce wines from extreme lands, the authentic result of what is often called heroic viticulture. These are wines produced in vineyards so demanding that only true heroes can cultivate them.
Onorio, Maddalena, Linda, Sabina, Sara
We are proud to work with the most prestigious designations and production regulations of our region: from the renowned Trento Doc, famous for its traditional method sparkling wines, to Trentino Doc, synonymous with quality and tradition, Trentino Doc Superiore Cembra, a sublime expression of our alpine territory, and Dolomiti Igt, which embodies the freshness and authenticity of the Dolomites. Each of our labels is a journey through unique flavors and authentic stories, the result of artisanal attention and profound respect for our land.

Valle di cembra
Chilometri e chilometri di muri a secco a sostegno della viticoltura e pendenze al limite del possibile: autentica, mirabile opera di ingegneria agricola in Trentino. Dalle pendici dei depositi calcarei del Monte Corona a Giovo, con altitudini che superano gli 800 m.s.l., fino agli strapiombi che osservano l’irrequieto torrente Avisio, i numerosi km di muri a secco che segnano i terrazzamenti vitati sono l’emblema tangibile della viticoltura eroica di montagna del Trentino e non solo.
Vine terraces, UNESCO heritage, supported by dry stone walls for a total of over km
Vertical vineyards, with slopes in % up to
Altitudes of the vineyards above sea level above m

Constant desire to innovate, tradition and passion for viticulture with an eye for sustainability, determination and pride for our alpine territory, are for us the hallmarks of our work that motivate us every day to do our best as a winery and as a family

Being Green:
The terroir we try to enhance must be healthy, rich and in balance with the natural resources and ecosystem present in our territory. It is therefore our commitment to always try to minimize the impact on the environment, working at 360 degrees with particular attention to sustainability.
We look forward to seeing you at our cellar store. Our wine shop is always open with the following hours: Monday to Friday 9 AM - 12 PM and 2 PM - 6 PM. Saturday 9 AM - 4 PM continuously, with prior phone notice.
Let our staff assist you with your purchases: it will be our pleasure to guide you in selecting wines. We also offer customized packages, gift packages, gift cards, and much more. Prior phone notice is always appreciated: +39 0461695067.